Use this budgeting worksheet to calculate your monthly expenses and income to get an idea of what you have to work with, what your commitments are, and what you have remaining to devote to your goals.
Step 1: Calculate Your Monthly Income
Figure out how much you get paid each month, after taxes are removed, and add it to the table below.
Step 2: Calculate Your Monthly Expenses
Record your expenses using the table below. For expenses that change from month-to-month (such as utilities), use your average spending based on past month’s bills.
Speak with a financial expert about setting up a spending plan. Financial counseling is free and confidential.
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Weekly Pay Schedule
- Multiply weekly income by 52
- Then divide by 12
Bi-Weekly Pay Schedule
- Multiply bi-weekly income by 26
- Then divide by 12
Inconsistent Pay Schedule
If your pay is not on a consistent schedule (e.g., seasonal work, side income)…
- Take last year’s total income
- Then divide by 12
= average monthly income
Speak with a Counselor Today to Setup a Budget
If you’d like help setting up a budget speak with a financial counselor. It’s free and confidential.