Your home provides safety and wellness
There are many financial hardships that might lead to falling behind on monthly mortgage or rent payments. Depending on your financial situation, it can be confusing to understand the available options that could help you keep in your home.
You are not alone. Homeowners and renters facing financial challenges are more successful in figuring out their next steps when they fully understand their options.
Our HUD-certified counselors begin a conversation about where you are today, and what you need to accomplish your goals.
We guide you through a process to assess your financial picture and create an action plan to address your specific situation.
Take the first step and call. We listen with respect, offer advice and information, and work with you every step of the way.
Get Help with 995Hope
How We Can Help

Foreclosure Prevention
Trying to prevent foreclosure is a daunting task when you manage it alone. If you are behind on your mortgage or having trouble making your house payment, our trusted counselors can help. Learn about the steps to take to get back on track with our foreclosure prevention counseling.
About Foreclosure Prevention ›
Foreclosure Prevention Scams
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Watch out for any company that offers a “quick fix.” No organization can promise or guarantee modification of a loan or prevention of foreclosure other than your servicer. Read about what to look for when it comes to scams.
About Foreclosure Prevention Scams ›

Alternatives to Foreclosure
Facing foreclosure? There are other options for you to consider. Read about your options, and learn about how trusted counselors guide you through a process to assess your financial situation, address your specific situation, and create an action plan as an alternative to foreclosure.
About Alternatives to Foreclosure ›
Housing Resources
We all make the best decisions we can with the information we have available to us. As a national, non-profit housing counseling organization, we get trusted information into your hands. Explore homeowner resources that set you up to understand the options and make informed decisions.
Housing Resources ›

Post Modification Support
Are you eligible for modification on your mortgage, which is a process that could change the original terms such as payment amount, length of loan, interest rate, or other terms? Explore how our counselors can work to understand your situation, to see if there is an option to reduce your monthly payment to a more affordable amount.
About Post Modification Support ›
Rental Counseling Resources
There are many unexpected circumstances, including changes in monthly income, which impact our ability to keep up with rent. Read about what you need to know when it comes to staying current with rent. Understand how trusted counselors can provide you with specific steps to take to get back on track.
About Rental Counseling and Resources ›